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64 results:

Africa: Government Determined to Make Ghana an Aviation Hub in Africa - - President Akufo-Addo

Africa: Government Determined to Make Ghana an Aviation Hub in Africa - - President Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has said the construction of new aprons at Ghana's International…

AfCFTA: Integrated African market to benefit over 1 billion people

AfCFTA: Integrated African market to benefit over 1 billion people Mabuza revealed one of the benefits of the trade agreement at the National Assembly in Parliament. Note: This article first appeared…

On the road to mobility in Africa

On the road to mobility in Africa 1.3 billion inhabitants. Twice as many by 2050 and probably four times as many by the year 2100. If Africa is a vibrant continent with great potential, this is the…

AfCFTA: Sealing the cracks in the broken jar

AfCFTA: Sealing the cracks in the broken jar Note: This article first appeared on Written by  Gatete Nyiringabo Ruhumuliza Kigali – ‘Africa cannot just remain a story, about the…

‘Africa is undergoing positive changes despite doubts and perceptions’, says president Kagame

‘Africa is undergoing positive changes despite doubts and perceptions’, says president Kagame Rwanda head of state Paul Kagame has noted that his country and the African continent are currently…

Plaidoyer pour une intégration économique de l’Afrique

Plaidoyer pour une intégration économique de l’Afrique Note: This article first appeared on « Intégrer l’Afrique », et agir sur les scénarios de nos futurs communs NOUS vivons…

Rwanda removes visas

Rwanda removes visas As of January 1, 2018, there will be no need for a visa to enter Rwanda. This country of Central Africa has become over the years as a pillar of the free movement of people and…

World Tourism: Africa leads with 9% growth

World Tourism: Africa leads with 9% growth 300 million. This is the record number of international tourist arrivals in July and August 2017, according to the World Tourism Barometer , recently…

Kenyans React to Kenyatta's New Visa-Upon-Entry Directive

Kenyans React to Kenyatta's New Visa-Upon-Entry Directive The announcement by President Uhuru Kenyatta that citizens of African countries would get visas upon arrival in Kenya has been met with mixed…

Ethiopia: online visas to facilitate the arrival of tourists

Ethiopia: online visas to facilitate the arrival of tourists From this 1st of June, anyone who wants to go to Ethiopia will be able to get their visa by the net. What stop the red tape and increase…