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64 results:

Top performers

Africa’s Top 10 / Africa's Top 20 Benin, The Gambia, Rwanda, and Seychelles, are 2023’s top performers. All four countries offered visa-free access to all African visitors in 2023. The…

Foreword by the African Development Bank Group

Over the past year, Africa has continued dismantling barriers to the movement of people across its borders. As this year’s Africa Visa Openness Index (AVOI) shows, the continent’s average visa…

Foreword by the African Union Commission

Continental integration advanced considerably over the past year as countries continued their work to implement the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the flagship project of Agenda…

Regional Trends in Visa Openness

Freeing movement within Africa’s regions  Africa’s regional economic communities (RECs) drive economic and social integration in Africa, often among countries that appear to have little in…

Visa openness in Africa by category

Visa openness in Africa by category

Visa openness: Scores and rankings

Visa openness in Africa 2023: Scores and rankings

Visa openness progress, 2016-2023

Easier travel for Africans Ever since 2016, when the AVOI was first published, the index has used three principal indicators to measure visa openness in Africa. This year’s edition of the AVOI…


Now in its eighth edition, the Africa Visa Openness Report 2023 presents this year’s findings of the Africa Visa Openness Index (AVOI), a joint initiative of the African Development Bank and the…

Agenda 2063

Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want African Union’s Agenda 2063 ASPIRATION 2. An integrated continent, politically united based on the ideals of Pan Africanism and the vision of Africa’s…

The impact of the pandemic

In 2022, after many countries lifted COVID-19-related travel restrictions, the AVOI observed a reversal in the previous year’s deterioration of visa openness on the continent (and the world).…